Deuterium and deuterium depleted water
Feb 27, 2024
Deuterium has become a hot topic in some health circles.
Deuterium is an isotope of hydrogen and unlike the lighter hydrogen, it has a neutron, making it heavier than hydrogen.
This increase in mass that deuterium has over hydrogen has been shown in quantum physics research to directly decrease its ability to quantum tunnel. Because of the size and electrical charge difference between hydrogen and deuterium, they have very different actions in the body.
Many have asked my opinion on deuterium-depleted water.
I think we're often missing the complexity of our intelligent biology in this discussion.
Deuterium is not a poison.
It's a signaling molecule.
In certain situations, like some cancers- breast, prostate, lung, melanoma- deuterium-depleted water has shown promising results. (1-3)
We know that deuterium can negatively impact the mitochondria and decrease its ability to make ATP, the energy currency of the body. We also know that our mitochondrial function and ATP production is vital to our health. Dips in mitochondrial function and ATP production has been associated with symptoms and disease onset. The work of researcher Douglas Wallace has associated decreased mitochondrial function with almost every disease state out there. Recent research found that increased deuterium increased heart rates presumably through a decrease in ATP production in the mitochondria of the heart while decreased deuterium was associated with a decreased heart rate while resting and exercising. (4) In other research with a group of mixed high blood glucose, blood sugar content or diabetic levels, deuterium depleted water was shown to increase body fat. This same study found that half the group experienced increased insulin levels while the other half the group had decreased insulin levels after 90 days of consuming 1.5 liters of DDW daily. These disparities could not be explained by BMI or body fat. (5)
Deuterium is intimately involved with our cell membranes, cell cycle and mitochondrial function.
It is intimately involved in the sophisticated communication system of the body.
Like the conflicting research on reactive oxygen species in cancer, when we try to define a biological signaling molecule into good or bad, it becomes confusing with contrary results.
Deuterium at higher levels seems to increase cell growth and act as an antioxidant by reducing reactive oxygen species or ROSs while depleting deuterium seems to slow cell growth and increase ROSs. (6,7)
It is acting within the beautiful, sophisticated communication system of the body.
I deeply respect and am grateful for the work of researchers like Stephanie Seneff and Lazlo Boros. I think a better understanding of our cell communication is desperately needed and deuterium has been severely ignored.
I also think that pesticides like glyphosate, imbalance in the gut microbiome and heavily processed foods are not good for us for a variety of reasons, including messing with our deuterium messaging. The TCA cycle and glycolysis protect the mitochondria from too much deuterium Healthy mitochondria help the TCA cycle do this. Deuterium can accumulate because of unhealthy mitochondria, a heavily processed diet, and toxins in our environment. Deuterium depletion strategies that focus on exercise, sleep, ketogenic diet/fasting and mitochondrial health are common sense because they positively impact so many of our biological functions. I think that expensive deuterium depleted water and strategies that forego healthy foods because of deuterium content may be unnecessary.
There is an intelligence that pervades our biology.
An invisible blueprint that guides life in this universe, on this planet and within our body.
(1)DOI: 10.1177/1073274821999655
(2) PMC6885702 PMID: 31519768
(3) Journal of Cancer Research & Therapy.Krempels K et al., J Cancer Res Ther 2013, 1(8):194 200 http://dx.doi.org10.14312/2052-4994.2013-29
(4) JONES, Edwin C; PHELPS, James E; JARDET, Cortney L. Cardiac Heart Rate Dependence on Mitochondrial Deuterium 2H Content. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 5, June 2022. ISSN 2375-1924.
(5) PMC7144355 PMID: 32197347