What is Quantum Biology and How Can We Apply It to Our Health

pillars of quantum biology quantum biology Jul 31, 2024

What is Quantum Biology and How Can We Apply it to Our Health? 

Let's dive into this one.

Quantum biology really got its start at the same time as quantum physics. In the early 19 hundreds, it was Erwin Schrodinger's book. What is Life that first put forth the idea that living systems utilize quantum phenomenon or quantum mechanics.

Now, this was something that wasn't taken seriously for decades because the way researchers study quantum mechanics in a lab is that they look at things in a laboratory setting where the lab is cooled below absolute zero, where no life can exist.

The laboratory is shielded from any noise or vibration that can disturb these delicate quantum mechanics. So the idea that living systems and life would be utilizing quantum mechanics was something that scientists didn't take seriously. But when you look at a living system, you realize that each cell in our body, for example, and we have trillions and trillions of cells, each cell in the body is completing over a hundred thousand tasks each second.

Some scientists post that it's in the millions of tasks each second in the cell, and mathematically using the traditional classical model, it is impossible mathematically to have that many reactions happening in a cell with the efficiency and speed needed.

Where Quantum Biology Comes In

And that's where quantum biology comes in. It explains things that classical physics, classical biology just can't explain. And it was in the early two thousands with research out of UC Berkeley, with Graham Fleming and Greg Engle looking at how a photosynthetic cell takes a photon of light and gets it to the photoreactive center with almost a hundred percent efficiency.

And what they found was not only does it superimpose taking multiple pathways at one time, because of course a photon of light is a particle. It is a quantum of light that has the ability to work in a classical and in this quantum realm, the laws of quantum mechanics apply to a photon. So of course it was able to superpose and take multiple paths to that photosynthetic reaction center. And what's more is those proteins. Those proteins in that cell were able to do what researchers call the quantum beat. They were able to act in coherence, the idea that two or more things work as one, and that quantum beat that vibratory, They found that this quantum beat, the cord proteins in that photosynthetic cell were able to act as a collective and create this vibratory field that allowed the photon of light to get that photosynthetic reaction center with almost a hundred percent efficiency, absolutely incredible.

How Do You Apply Quantum Biology to Your Everyday Health

Now, how would we apply this to our everyday health? Well, the idea in quantum biology being applied to our health is that we're looking at four different pillars. We're looking at:

  1. how light photons impact our biology.
  2. how photons from sound impact our biology.
  3. how frequency, frequency of an electrical field, magnetic field, electromagnetic field scale, our waves, how those all impact our smallest pieces of our biology
  4. how the flow of electrons and protons in the body, our proteins, our enzymes, and we see that the impact can be quite enormous.

We're looking at how these four pillars impact our mitochondria, our DNA, our microtubules throughout our brain, throughout our fascial network, connecting every structure in the body. We're looking at how they impact our hormonal state, our inflammatory state, our capacity to heal. It's absolutely astounding once you start to dive into the impacts of these four pillars of quantum biology.

In the next four videos, I'll be breaking down how that quantum biological perspective of light, of sound, of water and frequency impact our wellness and vitality and how these pillars are at play in your life.

 We will continue to tease apart this immense emerging field of quantum biology for health. Looking at light, we will be looking at the sound and effects of somatics and how sound impacts our cells and our cellular water.

We'll be diving into what our cellular water is like and how this backdrop of unique and ordered water throughout the body. This easy gel water throughout living systems acts as an antenna for this language of frequency throughout the body. We'll be talking about frequency of electricity and magnetism and how these things give rise to what we see on our lab values and our symptom pictures, our state of health and wellness.

Thank you so much for joining me. I look forward to walking you through this.