Meet Dr. Sharon Stills

Naturopathic Medical Doctor who helps perimenopausal and menopausal women


Dr. Sharon Stills is a Naturopathic Medical Doctor providing comprehensive health care, therapeutic and diagnostic services to patients worldwide. She combines her conventional medical training, data-driven science, cutting-edge diagnostic tools and a deep knowledge of natural healing to effectively identify and treat health concerns ranging from allergies to end stage cancer, and everything in between.

Dr. Stills is a 2001 graduate of SCNM (The Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine) in Tempe, Arizona, one of the nation’s foremost accredited medical schools. She specializes in European Biological Medicine –having trained extensively with Dr. Thomas Rau formerly of the Paracelsus Clinic in Switzerland. She was chosen to lecture alongside him as part of the Paracelsus Academy. In addition, she is also extremely well-versed in pro-aging therapies and Bio-identical Hormone Replacement. She is well known for her successful involvement with patients dealing with a Cancer Diagnosis – both early and advanced stage – and has been featured in many Oncology Summits based on her experience and knowledge of the subject. Dr. Stills travels the world seeking out the best of Natural Medicine options and bringing them back to the US.

Drawing from a wide variety of traditions and healing foundations, including Naturopathic, Bio-Regulatory, Functional, Homeopathic, TCM and Ayurveda, she has been successful in providing answers and healing pathways to her patients when others have failed.

Some of Dr. Stills’ favorite healing modalities include the use of isopathic and complex homeopathic remedies, bioidentical hormone replacement, live cell therapeutics, targeted use of vitamins and herbs along with the therapeutic use of color, breathwork and sound frequencies.

Dr. Stills has a passion for her profession and that drives her to embrace opportunities to lead, participate and contribute her vast knowledge and expertise as:

  • A Physician Expert for Women's Health Network
  • The Host of the Science of Self-Healing Podcast
  • A Frequent Lecturer Around the Globe as an Educator of Other Physicians
  • A Highly Sought After Guest on Podcasts and Summits
  • One of the Leading Experts on CRT (Computerized Regulation Thermography)

Dr. Stills believes in the healing power of ritual and retreats and many of her own personal leaps forward have occurred while traveling and stepping time outside of her comfort zone. She is dedicated to helping others do the same. To realize this passion, she is in the process of creating Destination RED, a series of unique, life-changing retreats for small groups to be held in healing and rejuvenating locations around the world.

Having overcome serious health issues of her own, Dr. Stills practices what she preaches! She loves to cook and eats a healthy Paleo diet. She swallows more vitamins daily then she will ever ask you to swallow and a good night’s sleep is a priority. She is continuously humbled and inspired by every patient she has the opportunity to guide towards Reinventing Their Health….Naturally!

When not with patients, or working on her upcoming book, she can often be found peacefully meditating, or yelling excitedly while watching a NY Jets game. She loves to buy shoes, yet is frequently found barefoot. Baking is a favorite, though her paleo cookie dough rarely makes it into the oven. She’s passionate about physical movement in many forms including yoga, running a mountain trail or dancing all her worries away at a live music venue. She is a hot-tub junkie and an avid skier with a serious case of wanderlust. Her heavily stamped passport and time with her family (highlighted by being a bubbe to her two adorable granddaughters) is a powerful indicator of her own, well-lived RED-Hot life – one that she is grateful for daily.

Connect with Dr. Sharon Stills on Social Media

Resources from Dr. Sharon Stills

As Your Sacred Messenger

Proven naturopathic tools, assessments and approaches to address and welcome the sacred messages of chronic pain




Subscribe to the the Science of Self-Healing Podcast

Are you tired of not feeling well? Are you frustrated with trying to navigate your way through the maze of today's healthcare delivery system? There must be a better way and there is!!!

The Bioregulatory Medicine Institute is excited to have you here where will be guided by our host, Dr. Sharon Stills, an expert in European Biological Medicine, to discover the Science of Self Healing. She will be interviewing experts from around the world in the health and wellness field to bring you cutting edge information that you won't hear anywhere else