Welcome Practitioners and Health and Wellness Enthusiast

Quantum BiologyĀ Health Training

August 21st @ 2:00 pm ET | 1:00 pm CT | 11:00 am PT via Zoom

During this session, Dr. Clinton will walk you through:

ā€¢ The program curriculum
ā€¢ The structure of the program
ā€¢ How each live Case Study presentation and Q&A session will be structured
ā€¢ Who this course is for
ā€¢ Explain the private community
ā€¢ Answer any questions you have about the course

I look forward to seeing you there!


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Meet Dr. Catherine Clinton

Licensed Naturopathic Physician
Quantum Biology Health Educator | Author

Dr. Catherine Clinton, a licensed naturopathic physician, has spent over 17 years helping people overcome their health issues. Diagnosed with two autoimmune conditions and Lyme disease while in medical school, she began the long and difficult journey of healing- a path that led to the commitment to help others to not only heal physically but to return to the relationships we evolved over millennia with for a deeper sense of health and belonging.

By healing herself and patients like her, she discovered that true health comes from our relationships. Dr Catherine has learned how our quantum biological system is intimately and inseparably connected to the world around us. Our relationship with the dirt beneath our feet, the sun, the wind, the water, the plants, the seasons, each other- that is the real medicine.

Her mission is to empower as many people as she can with quantum biology knowledge and help them explore how to apply quantum biology to their health.