Meet Dr. Michelle Patrick

Chinese Medicine junky - Naturopathy for the people
Self mastery revolutionary - “The Organ Lady” - Over Qualified


Dr. Michelle Patrick is at the forefront of a self-mastery revolution, combining her profound expertise as a clinical doctor of Chinese and Naturopathic Medicine with a robust foundation in biomedical sciences. Her approach transcends conventional medical practices by advocating for a holistic view of health, where the physical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions are harmoniously aligned for optimal self-healing. Beyond her clinical excellence, Dr. Patrick is an esteemed clinical researcher and lecturer, contributing her insights to some of the world’s most prestigious academic institutions. As the Head of Education for LUMIVITAE, she is pioneering educational strategies that foster empowerment, self-awareness, and profound healing.

Dr. Patrick’s methodology is revolutionary; it redefines the patient's role in the healing process, encouraging an empowered stance toward radical self-realization and mastery. Through her clinical practice and educational endeavors, she administers treatments and constructs a framework that enables individuals to actively participate in their journey towards health and well-being. This empowerment extends to her teachings, where she promotes self-observation and self-actualization, viewing the human form through a poetic and philosophical lens. Dr. Patrick reignites a sense of wonder in the human body's capabilities, advocating for a model of health that inspires self-love and a deep, intuitive connection with one's inner physician.

Her vision is a clarion call to transform traditional educational paradigms, which often alienate the individual from their innate healing potential. Through her innovative approach to self-mastery, Dr. Michelle Patrick is not just altering the lives of her patients; she is inspiring a global shift towards a more empowered, conscious, and health-centric society.

Connect with Dr. Michelle Patrick on Social Media

Resources from Dr. Michelle Patrick


The Jedi Mind Tricks Podcast

This is the Jedi Mind Tricks Podcast where Dr. Michelle Patrick takes both ancient and contemporary wisdom, using a modern spin, to help you with your own self-mastery life hacks.

Use the secrets of the body to unlock memory to help you master your health, wellness, relationships, business and build success in all areas of your life.

Listen on Apple



Join The School of Self Mastery

A portal of ongoing expansion with Dr. Michelle Patrick

This is a place where not only will we be exploring self-mastery together in all of its beautiful nuances, but it is also a place where you can share your personal stories, glows, grows and need for support and understanding in expanding into your human potential with grace and ease.

What even is self-mastery?
Why is it important?
How can you build a life with it?

Here we will break the paradigms of the restrictive nature of the painted idea of self-mastery, instead exploring it as a more embodied return to ones uniqueness and expansion.

Self-mastery is for everyone, and you deserve to not just have a piece of the pie, but the whole pie.

This space is a monthly membership portal, off social media, where you can not only dive deeper into your own mastery journey but you can connect with others who are moving through their own as well. Traveling is so much more fun together!