Ā Meet Masami Covey



Masami leads women in rediscovering the Wisdom of Lunar Cyclesā€”through menopause and beyondā€”applying a blend of Japanese Moon Medicine, physiology, nutritional science, and proven clinical modalities.

With 25+ years of clinical experience, Masami reveals the root causes of imbalance, using both scientific analysis and intuitive insights to provide laserpointed guidance. Her whole-person approach translates the subtle language of our bodies and offers practical tools to support health and vitality.

Masami was born and raised in Japan in a bi-cultural family, and she draws from her East-West blend of culture, language, science, and energy medicine. Masami holds an M.S. in International Business, and her professional training and experience includes Functional Nutritional Therapy (FNTP), Yoga Therapy (C-IAYT), Positive Neuroplasticity, Ayurveda, and Applied Linguistics. She is a faculty member of The Shift Network and a frequent speaker on health and energy summits, podcasts, and programs.

Connect with Masami CoveyĀ on Social Media

Resources from Masami Covey

Masamiā€™s Monthly Moon Wisdom Class

Go deeper into this month's guiding theme and supportive practices for this Moon Cycle.

In each month of this Monthly Moon Wisdom series:

  • Receive an overview and outlook of the coming 29.5 day Moon CycleĀ 
  • Explore your internal metamorphosis from the lens of the Moonā€™s intrinsic flowĀ 
  • Learn and practice tools and techniques to support your Body-Mind-Sprit according to this month's theme and focus
  • Build knowledge around the Moonā€™s influences on your biology and physiology
  • Have a chance to participate in Live Q & AĀ 
Learn More
