Meet Sinclair Kennally

CNHP, CNC, expert on digestive disorders and the root causes of chronic conditions,
speaker, health activist


As a CNC and certified Toxicity and Detox Specialist, Sinclair Kennally relies heavily on emerging data in the rapidly evolving field of new health. I'm ART trained and have had the privilege of apprenticing with some of the leading edge German functional medicine pioneers today. I'm also a Resonance Repatterning practitioner, PK certified, a family systems facilitator, and NLP master practitioner.

As a survivor of complex chronic illness and serious trauma, I'm able to support our clients' through their health journeys with deep shared understanding and total joy in their triumphs. As co-founder and CEO of Detox RejuveNation, I also oversee our group programs, education development, and lifestyle collections at DRN.

She's a passionate advocate for taking your well-being into your own hands, and making choices that support your own health and the health of our planet. But without moving to the woods and living only on leaves. (Unless that's your thing!) From top ranking pro athletes to NASA scientists to Tony Award winners, I've helped change makers of all stripes to reclaim their health and get back to who they truly are. As an experienced CEO running multi-million dollar companies, I intimately understand that showing up for your health first makes your mission and vision take a huge leap forward. I had to learn that the hard way. With Detox RejuveNation, our mission is to build a movement uniting change makers and assisting you to show up fully, so that you can do your best work.

Connect with Sinclair Kennally on Social Media

Resources from Sinclair Kennally


Are you taking a shopping bag full of supplements daily, but you’re still not feeling well?

Are you still looking for your root causes (because it’s almost always more than one!) and tired of bouncing from doctor to doctor, telling your same intake story? Or maybe your labs all “look great,” despite you not having the energy to get out of bed in the morning or eat more than ten safe foods.

At Detox RejuveNation, they understand. They've been there themselves and spent 8 years digging to uncover the truth about root causes like liver stagnation, parasites, thyroid dysregulation, and more.

Take your health into your own hands and take these Root Cause Self Assessments, a series of quizzes designed to give you the information you need to focus and move forward with healing.

You’ll learn about symptoms and clues that you might be dealing with liver stagnation, parasites, mold toxicity, EMFs, trauma and life stressors, and more. If you’re tired of ordering countless labs, always being told you’re “in range,” and never getting answers, this bundle can help you take your health into your own hands.

Just remember: It’s not too late for you to have the life and health you deserve.




Listen to the Your Health Reset Podcast

Listen to the Your Health Reset Podcast