Quantum Biology Health Education

Exploring the Invisible Forces Shaping Wellness


Develop A Deeper Connection With The World Around You

Learn To Tend To Your Internal As Well As External Ecosystem For Optimal Health

Supporting Health By Tending To Quantum Terrain

What Does Tending To Your Terrain Mean?


We excel at reducing things down, simplifying things down to help us understand the complex. While this has led to incredible discoveries, we've forgotten to put that information back into the bigger picture. With this lack of context comes a new set of problems.

There is a sea of unseen forces that guide life here on earth. This invisible intelligence in the form of photons of light, electrons, protons, ions and phonons from sound on the backdrop of water serves to inform our biology and state of health.

We've walked away from the terrain that holds this intelligence- the earth, the sun, the breeze through the trees, the moon, the seasons. This is where true health lies. If we stand firmly in this universal flow of energy, it has an enormous impact on our vitality and wellbeing. There is a language of frequency that pervades life that is constantly speaking to us.

Terrain theory places health in the ecosystem and quantum biology asks us to extend our idea of the terrain from the grandest universe to the smallest particle.

It's the connection to what's inside me, to what's inside you and to what's held in the world around us.

Our resilience rests in our ability to wield health with whole food, the sun, the air, the weather, the earth and its plants and animals. Our power lies in connection.

We can heal our terrain.

We can heal the terrain of this planet.
And the first step lies in acknowledging our connections and tending to them. Join me.

Meet Dr. Catherine Clinton

Licensed Naturopathic Physician | Quantum Biology Health Educator | Author

Dr. Catherine Clinton, a licensed naturopathic physician, has spent over 17 years helping people overcome their health issues. She completed her Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine from the National University of Natural Medicine. Diagnosed with two autoimmune conditions and Lyme disease while in medical school, she began the long and difficult journey of healing- a path that led to the commitment to help others to not only heal physically but to return to the relationships we evolved over millennia with for a deeper sense of health and belonging.

Dr. Catherine has multiple articles that have been published in peer-reviewed research journals. She maintains a small practice in Eugene, Oregon. Dr. Catherine teaches doctors, healthcare practitioners and health enthusiasts from around the world in how to apply the principles of quantum biology for health and is a sought after speaker with speaking engagements across the globe.

Her mission is to empower as many people as she can with knowledge of quantum biology for health and help them explore a new perspective in healing.

As Seen On:

Resources To Support Your Health

Downloadable Guides

Structured Water Guide

Learn about the fourth phase of water and how it impacts your health. 


Quantum Fascia Guide

Explore the fascinating world of our fascial system and the flow of energy through it.


Connecting To Your Quantum Biology Guide

Connect to your own quantum biology through re-wilding your mind, homes and food.



What is the Quantum Biology of Frequency - Part I (Video 5 of 9)

What is Quantum Biology and How Can We Apply It to Our Health

What is EZ Water?

What is the Quantum Biology of Sound - Part I (Video 4 of 9)

What is the Quantum Biology of Water - Part I (Video 3 of 9)

What is the Quantum Biology of Light - Part I (Video 2 of 9)

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